Sacred Valley of the Incas


Imagine a landscape of sunset hues, rich earthy ochres, green fertile valleys and mountains that inspire graciousness, and you have found the Sacred Valley of the Incas in Peru. With a history and archaeology so rich that travellers come from all over the world to experience it, it is as yet largely unchanged and a truly authentic immersion into the everyday lives of the local Andean Indians. Be it to experience archaeology and ancient cultures, take unbeatable photographs or sample the most delicious local specialities, it is a delight to visit this region.

The Sacred Valley of the Incas stretches between Cusco, once the capital of the Inca Empire, and the legendary Inca Ruins of Machu Picchu. It was once the fertile homeland of the Inca civilisation, and is comprised of many fascinating small towns and villages. Many visitors to this region have limited time and visit the city of Cusco and then head straight to Machu Picchu, unaware of the treasured experiences that lie between the two.

Flights to this region all land in Cusco, which has an altitude of 3,400m.  To assist with acclimatisation it is advisable to transfer directly to the Sacred Valley for a few nights, which is lower. By the time you have shopped at local markets, meandered along the Urubamba river and explored ancient ruins, you will be ready to board your luxury train to the Machu Picchu citadel. By the time you return to Cuzco you will be free to experience the city avoiding many effects of the altitude.

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